Monday, 09 December 2024 00:31

Petition 11-2025: Rule 457 s Pylon rule - Extended passing lanes

A. Brief Description of the Issue

We would like to add the agreed upon rules regarding the extended lane/passing lane to our official rule book.

B. Discussion of the Issue and Problem

What specific problems or concerns are involved in this issue?
These rules are currently not included in the rule book.

Who does the issue affect?
Harness drivers

What existing HRA rules relate to this issue?

C. Possible Solutions and Impact

What solution does this proposal provide?
It covers in our rule book rules governing the use of an extended/passing lane.

How will the solution fix the problem?
It covers in our rule book rules governing the use of an extended/passing lane.

How will the change affect any entities or stakeholders ?
It will not change anything. These rules were agreed upon by the Judges board and representatives of the drivers colony at Century Downs.

How will you or your organization be affected by the proposed change?

What are the benefits of the proposed change?
It will give us concrete rules within our rule book to adjudicate use of the extended/passing lane.

What are the possible drawbacks of the proposed change?

D. Please identify any affected stakeholder groups that expressed support or opposition.

(These stakeholders may include the racetracks, breed registries, owners , trainers, jockeys, veterinarians, or others.)

For those stakeholder groups that have expressed an opinion, please list the points on which they agree or disagree, and the arguments they have expressed.
Representatives of Century Downs Racetrack, ASHA and harness driver all felt it was a worthwhile experiment. We have had no opposition to it during or since its implementation.

Are there any affected stakeholder groups that have not been consulted on this proposal?

Please attach any formal letters of support or opposition by stakeholder groups. Files must be .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .txt format and under 3072k for the system to accept the submission. You can add a maximum of 3 attachments.

E. Attach the rule language you are proposing. Please show new language in a new paragraph below the current wording. If you are proposing that current rule language be eliminated, please indicate the text to be deleted with [delete: sample deleted copy]

There is no current wording in the rule book.

Harness tracks using an extended/passing lane the following rules will apply:
(a) No horse shall pass on the extended inside lane entering the homestretch for the first time around.

(b) The lead horse in the homestretch shall maintain as straight a course a s possible while allowing trailing horses full access to the extended inside lane, and

(c) Horses using the open homestretch must first have complete clearance

(d) Drivers who in the opinion of the Judges violate any of the above when not forced to do so as a result of another driver and/or horse may be subject to being placed, monetary penalty, or suspension.

F. Do any racing jurisdictions currently have a version of this rule in effect? If yes, please attach copies of those rules.

Ontario: In the event the home stretch is expanded pursuant of subsection (a), the following shall apply on 1/2 mile and 5/8 mile tracks:
i. No horse shall pass on the extended inside lane entering the stretch the first time,
ii. The lead horse in the homestretch shall maintain as straight a course as possible while allowing trailing horses full access to the extended inside lane, and
iii. Horses using the open stretch must first have complete clearance of the pylons.

British Columbia:
253. Hub rail/Open Stretch/Passing Lane (1) A horse while on stride, or part of the horse sulky that leaves the racecourse by going inside t he pylons which constitutes the inside limits of the course, when not force d to do so as a result of the actions of another driver and/or horse, may b e placed back where, in the opinion of the Judges, the action gave the hors e an unfair advantage over other horses in the race, or the action helped t he horse improve its position in the race. (amended 15/04/2015)
(2) Where an act of interference causes a horse or part of a horse sulky to cross the inside limits of the course and the horse is placed by the Judge s, the offending horse shall be placed behind the horse with which it interfered. (3) Where the line of pylons in the homestretch delineating the inner edge of the racing surface have been moved in to create an open stretch/passing lane, no driver shall:
(a) Drive a horse or allow his/her horse to enter into the open stretch/passing lane before the last 1/16th of a mile, in a race;
(b) Drive a horse into the open stretch/passing lane without first having complete clearance of the pylons. Where a horse or sulky goes inside a pylon before entering the open stretch/passing lane, the horse may be placed as per s. (1) or s. (2) above; (amended 15/04/2015)
(c) Drive a horse into the open stretch/passing lane where permitted, except for the purpose of passing a leading horse; or (d) Drive a horse into the open stretch/passing lane for the purpose of blocking or interfering with a trailing horse. For the purpose of this paragraph, it shall constitute prima facie evidence of blocking or interference, if a horse, in fact, blocks a trailing horse in the open stretch/passing lane, without advancing on a leading horse.
(4) The lead horse in the home stretch shall maintain as straight a course as possible while allowing trailing horse full access to the open stretch/passing lane.
(5) Horses on the outside of the course shall yield sufficient clearance at the end of the open stretch/passing lane to allow inside horses to stay on the course.

G. Review the Rules Governing Horse Racing in Alberta and identify an y other Rules this change would affect and submit proposed amendments to those rules to comply with changes that would be made by this proposal.

These rules would be added as another section of the pylon rules (Rule 457s).


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Read 208 times Last modified on Monday, 09 December 2024 01:03