B. Discussion of the Issue and Problem
What specific problems or concerns are involved in this issue?
The specific concern in regard to EIA in Alberta is to ensure that all horses that come onto a licensed track in Alberta submit proof of negative coggins before the enter the racetrack property. This would include race horses, saddle horses, and any other horses that are entering the racetrack property.
Who does the issue affect?
This issue affects all breeds of horses and all racing participants.
What existing HRA rules relate to this issue?
The existing rule that relates to this issue is 123 g Equine Infectious anemia.
C. Possible Solutions and Impact
What solution does this proposal provide?
The solution proposal eliminates any risk of horses coming on a racetrack property in Alberta that has not had a negative coggins test within the last 365 days prior to entry.
How will the solution fix the problem?
The solution will fix the problem as HRA Security will be able to confirm whether or not the horse has a current coggins before they come onto the racetrack property. If they do not have a current coggins, the security staff will contact the owner or trainer to not bring the horse on the property until a negative coggins is provided.
How will the change affect any entities or stakeholders?
This change will affect horsemen in the way that they will have to have a coggins test collected on their horse and wait for results before they enter the racetrack property. Previously many horsemen waited until they shipped in to have a racetrack veterinarian collect coggins test samples when they were already on the grounds. Once the horsemen have the results, they must apply to ship in 48 hours in advance of their expected ship in time.
This change will affect racetracks as they will have to be more diligent in their procedures before approving a horse to enter their property. For tracks that have other horse related activities, this may change the way they allow other horses to enter their property. Racetracks without stable gate security will have to have some form of security at entry gates on the days and times horsemen are allowed to ship onto the racetrack.
This change will affect Horse Racing Alberta security as they will have more work to do to follow up on application submissions and electronic logs.
This change will affect practicing veterinarians as they may have to do more farm visits. They will be expected to report a horse that is on the racetrack property without a valid negative coggins.
How will you or your organization be affected by the proposed change?
What are the benefits of the proposed change?
The benefits of the proposed change is:
Disease prevention and biosecurity.
Protection of Industry and Livelihoods - An EIA outbreak will lead to quarantines, euthanization of horses, severe restrictions, closure of the racetrack, impacting the livelihood of trainers, drivers, jockeys, owners, and racetrack staff.
Promotion of ethical and responsible horse care.
Requiring a negative Coggins test before horses enter racetrack property enhances biosecurity, protects industry interests, and promotes ethical care, supporting a safe and sustainable racing environment for all.
What are the possible drawbacks of the proposed change?
D. Please identify any affected stakeholder groups that expressed support or opposition.
(These stakeholders may include the racetracks, breed registries, owners, trainers, jockeys, veterinarians, or others.)
For those stakeholder groups that have expressed an opinion, please list the points on which they agree or disagree, and the arguments they have expressed.
The Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society, HBPA of Alberta, Alberta Standardbred Horse Association, Alberta Community Racing Association, Century Mile and Downs, Evergreen Park, Track on 2, Dr Steve Smith, and Dr Dale Gibson have expressed support.
Are there any affected stakeholder groups that have not been consulted on this proposal?
Please attach any formal letters of support or opposition by stakeholder groups. Files must be .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .txt format and under 3072k for the system to accept the submission. You can add a maximum of 3 attachments.
E. Attach the rule language you are proposing. Please show new language in a new paragraph below the current wording. If you are proposing that current rule language be eliminated, please indicate the text to be deleted with [delete: sample deleted copy]
Rule proposed:
123 g Equine infectious anemia (e.i.a.)
(1) Any person who is responsible for a horse stabled on the grounds of an Alberta regulated *race track must submit proof of a negative test for equine infectious anemia (Coggins test) 48 hours prior to admittance, dated in the preceding 12 months (365 days). The submission of the negative coggins test must be reported to the race office and Horse Racing Alberta. Please see Policy RLP012 Equine Infectious Anemia Policy for full requirements.
F. Do any racing jurisdictions currently have a version of this rule in effect? If yes, please attach copies of those rules.
G. Review the Rules Governing Horse Racing in Alberta and identify any other Rules this change would affect and submit proposed amendments to those rules to comply with changes that would be made by this proposal.