Monday, 09 December 2024 00:19

Petition 08-2025: Rule 315 g Claiming prohibitions

A. Brief Description of the Issue

The shortage of racehorses in Alberta is a pressing issue, and the trend of horses being claimed for purposes outside of racing, such as for Chuckwagon and Indian Relay races, is contributing to the problem. This is not only reducing the pool of racehorses available for Alberta meets but also affecting the sustainability of the racing industry in the province.
It is necessary to introduce specific regulations ensure horses claimed within the racing industry remain in the racing circuits in Alberta before going to other uses.
This rule is designed to ensure horses are fit and actively competing after being claimed, while also holding trainers accountable for following regulations.

B. Discussion of the Issue and Problem

What specific problems or concerns are involved in this issue?

The current situation, where a trainer claims a horse and then enters it in a non-claiming race or moves it out of the circuit, indeed bypasses the intended purpose of claiming races. This undermines the ability of the previous owner or other Alberta-based horsemen to keep the horse within the racing circuit and continue its contribution to the Alberta industry.

Who does the issue affect?
For the most part it is Thoroughbred horses and horsemen.

What existing HRA rules relate to this issue?
315 g Claiming prohibitions

C. Possible Solutions and Impact

What solution does this proposal provide?
To address this issue, a rule is proposed requiring horses claimed in Alberta to remain in the circuit to participate in a certain number of races within the claiming system before they are allowed to run in non-claiming races or leave the circuit. This would prevent trainers from claiming horses with the sole intention of removing them from the local racing pool.

How will the solution fix the problem?
This proposed rule is a solid step towards maintaining the integrity of the claiming process and ensuring the continued participation of claimed horses in the Alberta racing circuit. It holds trainers accountable by ensuring horses are actively competing, while also providing reasonable exceptions for horses with legitimate medical concerns.

How will the change affect any entities or stakeholders?
This will affect industry entities or stakeholders in a positive way. If we want our industry to stay strong, this requires a large horse population.

How will you or your organization be affected by the proposed change?

What are the benefits of the proposed change?
The benefits of this proposed change is to keep our horses in the flat racing industry in Alberta for as long as possible.

What are the possible drawbacks of the proposed change?
None. The only drawback would be losing licensees in the industry whose greatest interest is not horse racing in the province of Alberta.

D. Please identify any affected stakeholder groups that expressed support or opposition.

(These stakeholders may include the racetracks, breed registries, owners, trainers, jockeys, veterinarians, or others.)

For those stakeholder groups that have expressed an opinion, please list the points on which they agree or disagree, and the arguments they have expressed.
The Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society, Alberta Community Racing Association, and the HBPA of Alberta have given support.

Are there any affected stakeholder groups that have not been consulted on this proposal?

Please attach any formal letters of support or opposition by stakeholder groups. Files must be .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .txt format and under 3072k for the system to accept the submission. You can add a maximum of 3 attachments.

E. Attach the rule language you are proposing. Please show new language in a new paragraph below the current wording. If you are proposing that current rule language be eliminated, please indicate the text to be deleted with [delete: sample deleted copy]

All claimed horses must race again:
a) Within 45 days of the date of the claim. One of the races within that 45 days must be at a claiming price that is either one level higher, equal to, or lower than the price for which it was claimed, unless excused by the stewards board.
b) If the horse does not race within 45 days, the owner and/or trainer must provide a veterinary certificate explaining why the horse is medically unable to race. This certificate must be accepted by the official veterinarian.
c) If the owner and/or trainer fails to provide an acceptable veterinary certificate, they may lose their claiming privileges for 365 days (one year).
d) If the horse is claimed within 30 days of the end of a racing meet, it must race again in Alberta within the first 45 days of the following season. If it does not race in that time, the same rule applies: the owner/trainer must provide a veterinary certificate to explain why the horse is not fit to race.

Addition to the rule change:
On the claim blank have a line that says:
I _____________________________(owner or authorized agent) hereby affirm that the purpose of claiming this horse is solely for the intent of flat horse racing within the province of Alberta.

F. Do any racing jurisdictions currently have a version of this rule in effect? If yes, please attach copies of those rules.

G. Review the Rules Governing Horse Racing in Alberta and identify any other Rules this change would affect and submit proposed amendments to those rules to comply with changes that would be made by this proposal.


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Read 321 times Last modified on Monday, 09 December 2024 00:22