Sunday, 08 December 2024 23:56

Petition 04-2025: Rule 122 g Shock Wave Therapy

A. Brief Description of the Issue

Rule 122 g Shock Wave Therapy
This rule does not give us specific information as to who can have the Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy machine and the Radial Pulse Wave Therapy machine. The rule does state a practicing licensed veterinarian can use these machines. As well, it should be mandatory to register these machines every year which is not indicated in the rule.

B. Discussion of the Issue and Problem

What specific problems or concerns are involved in this issue?
There may be farms, veterinarian clinics or practicing veterinarians that have these machines on their premises and are not registered with Horse Racing Alberta. Practicing licensed veterinarians should be the only ones who can have or use these machines.

Who does the issue affect?
This may affect all horsemen and practicing licensed veterinarians and the health and safety of our racehorses.

What existing HRA rules relate to this issue?
Rule 122 g is the rule that relates to this issue.

C. Possible Solutions and Impact

What solution does this proposal provide?
Indicating that only a practicing licensed veterinarian may have or use these machines. This change in the rule provides clarity not only to practicing licensed veterinarians but also to horsemen. We can keep better records as to who is using these machines.

How will the solution fix the problem?
The health and safety of our racehorses comes first and foremost and we can better monitor the use of the machines.

How will the change affect any entities or stakeholders?
This rule should not affect any stakeholders or entities.

How will you or your organization be affected by the proposed change?

What are the benefits of the proposed change?
Enforcing this change to the rule allows Horse Racing Alberta to better monitor clinics, veterinary practices and farms. We would also be able to fine or suspend as penalties if the rule is not being followed.

What are the possible drawbacks of the proposed change?
There would be no drawbacks.

D. Please identify any affected stakeholder groups that expressed support or opposition.

(These stakeholders may include the racetracks, breed registries, owners, trainers, jockeys, veterinarians, or others.)

For those stakeholder groups that have expressed an opinion, please list the points on which they agree or disagree, and the arguments they have expressed.
Chuck Ibey, Theresa Sealy were consulted as well as Dr. Dale Gibson

Are there any affected stakeholder groups that have not been consulted on this proposal?
No groups were contacted regarding this petition.

Please attach any formal letters of support or opposition by stakeholder groups. Files must be .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .txt format and under 3072k for the system to accept the submission. You can add a maximum of 3 attachments.

E. Attach the rule language you are proposing. Please show new language in a new paragraph below the current wording. If you are proposing that current rule language be eliminated, please indicate the text to be deleted with [delete: sample deleted copy]

Rule 122 g - Shock Wave Therapy
ADD: (1)(b) No person, other than a veterinarian licensed by Horse Racing Alberta, shall have or use an Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy machine or a Radial Pulse Wave Therapy machine on any race horse.

ADD: (1)(c) At the beginning of each calendar year, practicing veterinarians licensed by Horse Racing Alberta who have or use the Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy machine or a Radial Pulse Wave Therapy machine must register their machines with the Official Veterinarian at Horse Racing Alberta.

F. Do any racing jurisdictions currently have a version of this rule in effect? If yes, please attach copies of those rules.

Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia

G. Review the Rules Governing Horse Racing in Alberta and identify any other Rules this change would affect and submit proposed amendments to those rules to comply with changes that would be made by this proposal.

The change to Rule 122 g should not affect any other rules but the treatments using these machines need to be recorded on the proper form just as any other care given to a race horse.


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Read 232 times Last modified on Monday, 09 December 2024 00:05