The Rules Governing Horse Racing in Alberta are AMENDED as follows:
Chapter 4: Transition, Repeal and Coming into Force
The following rules are AMENDED to read:
Rule 476 g Transitional from racing rules
(1) In this section, "former rules" means the Horse Racing Rules published in the Alberta Gazette dated May 1, 2013 and thereafter from time to time, including any directive so published prior to the date of coming into force as noted in section 479.
(2) Appointments made, approvals given, and authorizations given under the former rules that are in effect when these rules come into effect continue as if the appointments had been made and approvals and authorizations given under these rules.
(3) An action taken or decision made under the former rules having continuing effect continues under these rules as if made under these rules, unless subsection (4) applies.
(4) Any appeal based on a decision made under the former rules that has not been heard or concluded when these rules come into force is to be continued to its conclusion as if the former rules had remained in force and these rules had not come into force.
(5) A decision made or penalty imposed the former rules has the same effect as if it had been made under these rules.
Rule 477 g Transitional from former licensing rules
(1) In this section, "former rules" means the Horse Racing (Officials and Participants) Licensing Rules published in the Alberta Gazette dated May 1, 2013 and thereafter from time to time, including any directive so published prior to the date of coming into force as noted in section 479.
(2) Licences held by a person under the former rules when these rules come into force are continued and have the same effect as if issued under these rules.
(3) A person appointed to a position under the former rules and who holds that position when these rules come into force continues to hold that
position as if they had been appointed under these rules.
(4) *Judges boards and *stewards boards that exist under the former rules when these rules come into force continue as *judges boards and *stewards boards under these rules as if they had been appointed under these rules.
(5) An action taken or decision made under the former rules that has continuing effect is considered to be an action taken or decision made under these rules, unless subsection (6) applies.
(6) Any appeal based on a decision made under the former rules that has not been heard or concluded when these rules come into force is to be continued to its conclusion as if the former rules had remained in force and these rules had not come into force.
(7) A decision made or sanction imposed the former rules has the same effect as if it had been made under these rules.
Rule 478 g Repeal of former rules
(1) Any Horse Racing Rules or Horse Racing (Officials and Participants) Licensing Rules published in the Alberta Gazette prior to the within Rules and/or those coming into force on May 1, 2013.
(2) The repeal described in subsection (1) is subject to the application of section 476(4) and section 477(6), if they apply.
Rule 479 g Coming into force
These rules come into force on January 1, 2022.
Chapter 4: Transition, Repeal and Coming into Force previously stated:
Rule 476 g Transitional from racing rules
(1) In this section, "former rules" means the Horse Racing Rules published in the Alberta Gazette dated March 31, 2004, as amended.
(2) Appointments made, approvals given, and authorizations given under the former rules that are in effect when these rules come into effect continue as if the appointments had been made and approvals and authorizations given under these rules.
(3) An action taken or decision made under the former rules having continuing effect continues under these rules as if made under these rules, unless subsection (4) applies.
(4) Any appeal based on a decision made under the former rules that has not been heard or concluded when these rules come into force is to be continued to its conclusion as if the former rules had remained in force and these rules had not come into force.
(5) A decision made or penalty imposed the former rules has the same effect as if it had been made under these rules.
Rule 477 g Transitional from former licensing rules
(1) In this section, "former rules" means the Horse Racing (Officials and Participants) Licensing Rules published in the Alberta Gazette on March 31, 2004, as amended.
(2) Licences held by a person under the former rules when these rules come into force are continued and have the same effect as if issued under these rules.
(3) A person appointed to a position under the former rules and who holds that position when these rules come into force continues to hold that position as if they had been appointed under these rules.
(4) * Judges boards and *stewards boards that exist under the former rules when these rules come into force continue as *judges boards and *stewards boards under these rules as if they had been appointed under these rules.
(5) An action taken or decision made under the former rules that has continuing effect is considered to be an action taken or decision made under these rules, unless subsection (6) applies.
(6) An appeal based on a decision made under the former rules that has not been heard or concluded when these rules come into force is to be continued to its conclusion as if the former rules had remained in force and these rules had not come into force.
(7) A decision made or sanction imposed the former rules has the same effect as if it had been made under these rules.
Rule 478 g Repeal of former rules
(1) The following rules are repealed:
(a) the Horse Racing Rules published in the Alberta Gazette dated March 31, 2004, as amended;
(b) the Horse Racing (Officials and Participants) Licensing Rules published in the Alberta Gazette dated March 31, 2004, as amended;
(c) the consolidated rules published by Horse Racing Alberta dated September 1, 2008.
(2) The repeal described in subsection (1) is subject to the application of section 470(4) and section 477(6), if they apply.
Rule 479 g Coming into force
These rules come into force on May 1, 2013.
Dated in the City of Edmonton
in the Province of Alberta
this 10th day of December 2021.
Kent Verlik, Chief Executive Officer