Wednesday, 01 April 2020 18:14

Directive No. 124-2020 — All Breeds

The Rules Governing Horse Racing in Alberta are AMENDED as follows:

Chapter 3: General Horse Racing Rules, Part 4 Claiming Rules

The following Rule 322 g is AMENDED to read:

Rule 322 g Making the claim

(1) Claims must be made in writing on the proper claim blank supplied by the licensed operator.

(2) When a claim has been lodged it is irrevocable, and is at the risk of the claimant.

Rule 322 g Making the claim previously stated:

(1) Claims must be made in writing on the proper claim blank supplied by the licensed operator.

(2) A claim once filed cannot be withdrawn.

Dated at the City of Edmonton
in the province of Alberta
this 23 day of March , 2020

Kent Verlik, Chief Executive Officer
Horse Racing Alberta

Read 957 times Last modified on Monday, 06 April 2020 13:54