Friday, 28 September 2018 12:29

Backstretch Foundation Newsletter - September 2018

It’s now officially fall, and we are hoping for some unseasonably warm and dry weather for the rest of the meet. Thank you to Rod Haynes, Equine Extreme, and Century Downs for sponsoring the remaining awards for 2018.

Monthly Awards for September:

  • Backstretch Person – Laura Ireland – Sponsored by Century Downs.
  • Pony Person – Kirsty Luft-Nault - Sponsored by Century Downs.
  • Exercise Rider –– Gord Smith - Sponsored by Century Downs.
  • Shedrow of the month – Monica Russell Stable – Sponsored by Century Downs.

Congratulations to all of the winners! Good luck to everyone in October!

Coming Events

  • BBQ Fundraiser for inured jockey Andre Martin – 10:30 am Sunday September 30th south of barn one. Please bring a donation for your hotdog or hamburger. Courtesy of Tim Rycroft, Craig Smith, and Century Downs.
  • We’re “On Track to Beat Cancer”, October 6th, 2018! Join us for the annual “On Track to Beat Cancer” day at Century Downs Racetrack and Casino. We’ll be raising funds for the Calgary Prostate Cancer Centre with the feature race of the day, the C Cup Classic. This is the first parimutuel amateur jockeys race for the Canadian Amateur Jockeys Association, so we hope everyone will be out to not only support the On Track to Beat Cancer but also the amateur jockeys who will be riding in the C Cup Classic. The “Man Van” will be on site in the backstretch on October 6th from 10:30 a.m. to noon.! - Canada’s first and only mobile men’s health clinic, offering free PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood testing for men aged 40-80! When detected early it is very treatable. A PSA blood test from a 10 minute trip to the MAN VAN can aid in early detection. To Support your team and donate to Prostrate Cancer go to On Track to Beat Prostrate Cancer. Jasper Brewing Company is donating $0.50 per Jasper Brewing beer sold on October 6th to the Calgary Prostate Cancer Centre with Century matching the donation. Thanks to Bar None Ranches Ltd., Century Casino, ATOBA, Energy Equine, and Furlongs Inc. for their sponsorship and the Canadian Amateur Jockeys Association for their partnership on this event.
  • Thanksgiving Dinner – A Thanksgiving Dinner will be offered compliments of the HBPA of Alberta on Saturday October 6th at 6:30 pm in the Homestretch Room on the 2nd level of the grandstand. Please see Theresa Sealy for tickets.
  • “Veterans of Horse Racing” Toast – October 27th at Century Downs Homestretch Room courtesy of Bob Allen.


  • WCB Premiums for HBPA trainer members - Since it is now a requirement for Trainers to carry WCB coverage for workers, the board of the HBPA of Alberta has decided to offer a rebate to help offset this cost in 2018. The rebate is based on $5/start at Northlands and Century Downs and is available to trainers who provide a clearance letter from WCB of their good standing with the WCB of Alberta.
  • Shavings billing for Century Downs 2018 - Trainers will be billed for Environmental Fees/Shavings at the end of each month for their allotted stalls ($50/stall/month or $3/day for part-months) regardless if they choose to use it for a horse or not…(Century Downs will not bill for stalls prior to Sept 1, 2018 or for stalls used for Ship Ins…) It will be the Trainer’s responsibility to report any unused stalls to The Race Secretary, or Horsemen’s Bookkeeper AS SOON AS THEY BECOME AVAILABLE so it is free to be allotted to other Horses/Trainers, otherwise the Trainer is responsible for the monthly charge, and credit will Not be given back at the end of the month if a trainer has failed to notify the Race Office of such. Stalls will be billed to your Trainer’s account with the Horsemen’s Bookkeeper. If you do not have an account, one will be opened for you and it must be kept in good standing. Horse Papers will not be released until accounts are settled.
  • Dental, eye, and hearing subsidies from HBPA are available. You must have held a HRA groom, exercise rider, assistant trainer, or gate crew license for a minimum of 90 days to be eligible. Pick up forms from Theresa Sealy
  • TLC and CTHS have been getting requests from individuals looking for OTTBs. If you are looking to rehome or retire a TB off the track please contact the CTHS office at 403-229-3609.
Read 2431 times Last modified on Friday, 28 September 2018 12:35