Happy spring horsemen! Let hope the snow will finally stay away and many sunny days to come!
We did not offer monthly awards at Northlands Park for 2016, and many felt it was missing and that our hard working horsemen need to be recognized. We would like to offer to Stables or Individuals to sponsor our Monthly awards for 2017 at $50/month. If you would like to be a sponsor, please contact Theresa Sealy for the information. Your name and the winner of your award will be printed in the monthly newsletter. There are 4 sponsorships each month up for offer:
Monthly awards – Backstretch person, exercise rider, and pony person.
Shedrow of the month – Award goes to the barn with the best appearance and respect for each other and neighbors.
- Fundscrip Gift card fundraiser – This program lets us earn cash rebates for the Backstretch based on items you buy and use every day like groceries, gas, and household items. All you have to do is pay your purchases with gift cards bought at face value. Instead of paying with cash or debit card you use your gift card that you purchase through the Backstretch Foundation. Please see Theresa Sealy for more details. To sign up go to: https://www.fundscrip.com/Sign-Up.aspx?IID=FER6JE
Coming Events
- The CPMA in conjunction with HRA, will be hosting an information session on the Equine Drug Control Program. There is a presentation available at Northlands Park in the Sky Paddock on Monday June 5th at 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. The presentation is available at Century Downs Homestretch room on Tuesday June 6th at 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend.
- Trainer’s test – Anyone who is planning to write their Thoroughbred “A” Trainers or Assistant Trainers for 2017, please see Theresa Sealy at the HBPA office.
- Deadline for entries into the CTHS sale is Friday June 23rd - for sale contract go to https://www.cthsalta.com/cths-alberta-sale
- Sunday track closing at Northlands Park for training is expected to start July 9th
- Olds College English Horsemanship program is looking for suitable Thoroughbred school horses for the 2017/18 school year. Please see Theresa Sealy for Instructor Jill Oneil’s contact information and more information on the programs and what requirements horses need to be in the program.
- The HBPA of Alberta welcomes Mr Darrell Bauder as Manager/Executive Director effective June 1st, 2017. The HBPA wish to express their gratitude to Mat Monaco for his role of Manager during the past 13 years.
- Notice from Northlands Park race office to Thoroughbred horsemen – The Shirley Vargo stake to be held on July 8th is now at $75,000.00 thank you to added money on behalf of Robert Vargo.
- Dental, eye, and hearing subsidies from HBPA are available. You must have held a HRA license for a minimum of 90 days to be eligible. Pick up forms from Theresa Sealy.
- The instructors and students of The Racehorse Groom School program would like to thank all of the trainers and backstretch workers for their help and patience during our ongoing learning period. Your participation is necessary and much appreciated for the success of these programs. Congratulations to all of the graduates of these programs. Your hard work and dedication is much welcomed.
- The CTHS of AB would again like to congratulate the Alberta Thoroughbred Industry on the 43rd Annual Night of Champions held at Century Casino in Edmonton. Approximately 130 Alberta Thoroughbred industry members attended the awards evening including breeders, owners and trainers in addition to representatives from Horse Racing Alberta, Northlands, Century Casino and Rocky Mountain Turf Club. This event also honored the long tradition of horse racing in Canada as the industry celebrates its 250th Anniversary this year. For the winners and photos please go to the website https://www.cthsalta.com/night-of-champions-nominees