We have received a confirmed report of neurological herpes (EHV1) on a local farm. The farm has been quarantined.
Identifying potential neurological herpes on a horse at the racetrack requires strict husbandry practices.
Temperatures need to be checked on each horse every day and watching for symptoms such as fever, runny nose, ocular discharge and any neurological symptoms such as staggering.
If any of these signs or symptoms occur in your horse, contact a practicing racetrack Veterinarian and the Official Veterinarian (Dr. Van Ostrand) immediately.
A quarantine area will be in place for those horses showing any of these symptoms.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Van Ostrand at 403.651.4001 or Dr. Gibson at 780.940.4532. Resources can be found on the website for Equine Herpes Virus 1.
Dated at the City of Edmonton
in the Province of Alberta
this 4th day of April, 2024
Chuck Ibey, Director,
Regulatory & Supervisor of Racing, Horse Racing Alberta