Wednesday, 22 March 2023 21:56

HRA Licensees - Get Respect Certified for Free!

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Horse Racing Alberta is pleased to be offering the Respect in the Workplace course to HRA licensees. Respect is one of our core values, and the training will provide licensees with an awareness of the role we all play in working in a respectful environment. Licensees will be receiving an email with further details, or they can check with the License Clerks at the racetracks to register.

 This is your chance to take an online training program that will:

  • Provide awareness of the role we play in working in a respectful environment
  • Provide clear understanding of what bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination mean and how to prevent these behaviours
  • Encourage everyone to contribute to a safe, healthy, and respectful workplace



Frequently Asked Questions

What is Respect in the Workplace?

Respect in the Workplace is a comprehensive online training program that addresses the topics of bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination in our workplace. Through many vignettes and role play, it describes appropriate strategies for dealing with those behaviours. The training was created by Respect Group and Horse Racing Alberta has endorsed the program.

What is a respectful workplace?

A respectful workplace is one that is healthy, safe, supportive and inclusive, and honours diversity. It is a place where everyone is valued; communication is polite and courteous; people are treated with respect; conflict is addressed in a positive and civil manner; and disrespectful behaviour is not tolerated. If you are licensed by HRA, you are expected to conduct yourself respectfully.

Why implement a training program about respect now?

Respect is an essential part of who we are in horse racing. We strive to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all licensees—one that promotes human rights and personal dignity and is free from any disrespectful behaviour.

Is the training mandatory?

Per the Occupational Health and Safety Code, all employers in Alberta must have employees complete certain training courses, including recognition and the appropriate response to violence and harassment and the procedures for obtaining assistance. By accessing this course through HRA, the training is free.

How long will it take me to complete the training program?

The training takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. You can start and stop as desired, and the program can be completed incrementally and at your own pace. Please try to complete the training within 2 weeks of starting it.

Why should you participate?

We all want to be a part of a workplace where we feel valued, safe, and respected. Respect in the Workplace provides greater awareness of the shared responsibility we all have to help foster such an environment. This training provides standard tools and common understanding to empower everyone to prevent bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

How do I access the training?

The training is available online. You will be emailed a URL link to register for and access the course. This is an important step to ensure we have an accurate list of licensees who have successfully completed the training.

Read 1291 times Last modified on Friday, 24 March 2023 09:06