Provincial Regulatory Bodies
Canadian Horse Racing Associations
Horse Persons Groups
SUBJECT: Reminder: Full implementation of the 2016 Elimination Guidelines as of May 1, 2016
This is further to previous CPMA notices to industry respecting the implementation of the 2016 Elimination Guidelines
We would like to remind owners and trainers that full implementation of the 2016 Elimination Guidelines will take effect on May 1, 2016, and that testing will be consistent with these guidelines. Changes from the 2011 Schedule of Drugs can be found in CPMA notices to industry dated January 20 and March 3, 2016.
Particular attention needs to be paid to those drugs that were removed from the 2011 Schedule of Drugs (see notice to industry dated March 3, 2016 for the full list of removed drugs). Some of these drugs, such as flumethasone, are no longer available in an approved veterinary formulation and are now only available as a compounded product. Testing will continue for removed drugs.
We would also like to remind owners and trainers about the CPMA's position with regards to the use of compounded medications. Previously established elimination guidelines should not be applied to compounded products. Positive certificates of analysis resulting from administration of compounded medication remain the responsibility of the owner and trainer.
For further information, contact the CPMA toll free at 1-800-268-8835 or by Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Steve Suttie